How to Use Nmap in Kali Linux: A Beginner's Guide


Nmap is a powerful network exploration and security auditing tool. It is a free and open-source utility that is commonly used by security professionals and system administrators for network mapping, port scanning, and vulnerability assessment. In this beginner's guide, we will explore how to use Nmap in Kali Linux for network scanning and analysis.

Installing Nmap in Kali Linux

Before we dive into how to use Nmap, let's first ensure that we have the latest version of Nmap installed in Kali Linux. Although Nmap comes pre-installed with Kali Linux, it's always a good idea to update to the latest version to ensure that we have access to all the latest features and bug fixes.

To update Nmap, open up your terminal and type in the following command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nmap

These commands will update your package list and install the latest version of Nmap on your system.

Scanning a Network with Nmap

Once you have Nmap installed, you can start scanning your network. To start scanning a network with Nmap, open up your terminal and type in the following command:

nmap [IP address or hostname]

Replace [IP address or hostname] with the IP address or hostname of the target network you want to scan. For example, if you want to scan the IP address, you would enter the following command:


After running the command, Nmap will start scanning the target network and will provide you with a detailed report of the network's open ports, operating system, and other information.

Using Nmap for Port Scanning

One of the primary uses of Nmap is for port scanning. With Nmap, you can scan a network for open ports and identify any vulnerabilities. To start a port scan with Nmap, use the following command:

nmap -p [port range] [IP address or hostname]

Replace [port range] with the range of ports you want to scan. For example, if you want to scan ports 1-100 on the IP address, you would enter the following command:

nmap -p 1-100

After running the command, Nmap will scan the specified ports and will provide you with a detailed report of the open ports and their associated services.

Using Nmap for Vulnerability Scanning

In addition to port scanning, Nmap can also be used for vulnerability scanning. With Nmap, you can detect vulnerabilities in your network and systems by scanning for known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

To use Nmap for vulnerability scanning, you can use the following command:

nmap --script [vulnerability script] [IP address or hostname]

Replace [vulnerability script] with the name of the vulnerability script you want to run. For example, if you want to scan for the Heartbleed vulnerability on the IP address, you would enter the following command:

nmap --script ssl-heartbleed

After running the command, Nmap will scan for the Heartbleed vulnerability and will provide you with a detailed report of any instances of the vulnerability that were found.


In this beginner's guide, we explored how to use Nmap in Kali Linux for network scanning and analysis. We learned how to update and install Nmap, scan a network with Nmap, use Nmap for port scanning, and use Nmap for vulnerability scanning. With Nmap, you can gain valuable insights into the security of your network and identify any vulnerabilities that may exist. Happy scanning!